Primus Wafer Paper
FenS also offers specialized production processes with high standards
Primus Wafer Paper has been the market leader in wafer (eating paper), based on potato starch, since 1916. A privately family-owned business, it is the only edible paper mill of its kind in the entire world. They produce rolls of paper for manufacturers of fruit bars, granola bars, nougat, coconut macaroons, calissons and Lebkuchen. If all the rolls for customers are rolled out from Oostzaan in the Netherlands (cut to size using robot technology), you will get as far as Osaka in Japan. They also make edible print sheets for cake decorations, and labels for edible marketing on bread, fruit and much more. They export this all over the world. Primus is working hard. Through its “Primus goes Prime” strategy, they are trying to make the paper stronger and more flexible so that it becomes suitable as a sustainable organic packaging solution.
The challenge
The making of wafer is a specialized process with specific requirements, which calls for special lubricants that can meet these requirements. The rollers, between which the batter is processed, are heavy. The production process involves high pressure and temperatures. With the current lubricant, lubrication problems arose in the bearings. The high temperatures caused grease accumulation and lumps in the grease, which caused the lubricant to lose its lubricating effect. This required a lot of extra time during the weekly maintenance. That is why Primus came to us for an alternative lubricant.
In addition to the specific process requirements, Primus also had to deal with the strict requirements of the food industry. All lubricants that could come into contact with the production process must be NSF H1 certified. “There is always someone at the other end of the line who is willing to brainstorm with us about what could be done better, what is on the market, and how we can be assisted in this,” says Mr. Moorman, Head of Technical Services at Primus Wafer Paper.

There is always a solution
We have proposed an NSF H1, Halal and Kosher certified and allergen-free grease for Primus, which is specially designed to withstand high temperatures and high pressure. Thanks to its high-temperature resistance and high-pressure properties, there is no more clogging in the bearings and the grease retains its lubricating properties. This saves a lot of time: previously they had to first remove the old grease from the bearings because it clotted; our lubricant can be added directly. In addition, wear and tear on the bearings is now avoided because our lubricant can withstand high temperatures; therefore, it retains its lubricating properties. This extends the life of the machine parts and increases machine efficiency. Our product also complies with all the strict requirements of the food industry thanks to all the necessary certification.
Primus-FenS Collaboration
In addition to the strict requirements for food safety, Primus also has to deal with specific demands from customers. In addition, they make an exclusive product, with processes you do not encounter every day in the food industry. Thanks to the specialized products of Bechem, we can meet Primus’ demands. We always strive for the best product for an application. This means that we look for a product that can deliver the highest possible performance and also meets all requirements, in Primus’ case requirements such as food safety, Kosher and Halal certifications. “They always brainstorm with the customer, which is really nice. And they can meet specialized matters with special requests,” says Mr. Moorman. You can find more information about Primus at and about wafer at